This Indie Book Either Had Poor Writing or Genius Storytelling...


JAEGER BOMB by Donal Delay & AJ Frost does something that a lot of independent books struggle with:

Telling a compelling origin story and a heroes first adventure, in ONE book, AND making it good.

One struggle in the independent comic scene is the difficulty of releasing books on a schedule. Because of this problem, you typically will get an origin story book, and then 6-12 months later, you're getting the heroes first adventure, and by that time I've honestly moved on with the IP. 

JAEGER BOMB doesn't struggle with this problem, and in fact, ends the book in such a creative way, that it's either poor writing or GENIUS storytelling



Pushover Kevin Curran, a nobody Joe scraping the bottom of the barrel he calls his life, is thrown into the world of lucha libre and kaiju fighting. Seriously, this guy's life freaking sucks. Everything bad that can happen to one person happens to our main guy in one freaking day. 
It's a great set up because you feel awful for them, while hoping that life is going to improve. 

And it never freaking does!

Even tries to go into the world of lucha libre thinking that the people there are his friends, only to get the absolute crap kicked out of him!



Finally, Kevin meets a stranger who grants him the powers of the Jaeger Bomb, and power that has been passed down and gifted to pure hearted individuals to protect Earth. At the same time, an evil villain unleashes various Kaiju into the city, and Kevin, with the powers of the Jaeger Bomb, must now protect the city. He'll finally be appreciated!

Well. He's not.

And this is where JAEGER BOMB succeeds in it's storytelling. It's not just telling the story of a pure hearted individual who gets super powers, saves the day, and their life finally gets better. This is a story of an individual who has to overcome how crappy the world is DESPITE of how good of a person you are in both heart and action. 

As the protagonist struggles with wanting to help the city, you as the reader also feel empathy with them and at times think "yeah...f*** those guys, go live your life selfishly!"

So. Let's talk about the TWO things that really stood out in this book, the one minor gripe I had, and then give our silly goose rating on the book...

Good Thing #1 - The art in this book is absolutely stunning. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING. Donal really showcases how great of a cartoonist he is in these sequential pages. I say "cartoonist" boldly because of how well Donal allows his art to just flow, rather than to be stiff and "real." Donal allows his art to be controlled by the shapes and flow of the emotions that are being presented in the story, giving every moment a sense of fun and wonder. 

Good Thing #2 - the ending. The ending leaves on a cliff hanger, but it's a cliff hanger that doesn't leave the reader THINKING, but rather a cliffhanger that makes the reader go "I can't believe the story just stopped there." Literally, I was turning the pages and going "wait! I'm not done!" The story ends with Jaeger Bomb asking an important question to a person, and the person goes "yeah I'll answer that question right now for you..." and then it just ends! And you're like "GIVE IT TO ME!!!!!!!!" It's either poor writing or genius writing. I can't tell, so we're going to go with genius. 

Gripe #1 - This is something that A LOT of indie creators struggle with. I read the entire book and by the end did not know the character's FIRST NAME. In fact, on my 2nd and 3rd read through, I still couldn't find it. And maybe it's there and I'm freaking blind, but I know that it's not within the first 10-pages. I don't know if this was intentional or not, but the only reason I knew about the character's first name was by going on the Indiegogo page, where it was crowdfunded. So. That was my main gripe. 

All in all. I enjoyed this book a lot, and can't wait for the next installment of JAEGER BOMB. You can currently get a copy of this book at

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